‘Superior Taste Award’

Local beef awarded with three golden stars for exceptional taste


June 7, 2017 – London, ON – Ontario Corn Fed Beef has received a 3 Star “Superior Taste Award” from the International Taste & Quality Institute (iTQi) for their quality beef. The “Superior Taste Award” is the only stamp of quality in taste granted by 135 food and drink opinion leaders that are Michelin starred Chefs and Sommeliers. Today’s consumers are demanding exceptional quality and taste and receiving this award demonstrates Ontario Corn Fed Beef has what it takes to meet this high demand at home and around the world.

Similarly to the Michelin guide of gastronomy, iTQi does not organize a competition but rewards products on their own merits. Only products having received a mark superior to 70% will be granted a “Superior Taste Award” of one, two or three golden stars. Ontario Corn Fed Beef received a grade of over 90 per cent, with three golden stars, marking the exceptional taste of the product.

The iTQi jury, regrouping 17 different nationalities, is composed of members of prestigious culinary institutions of Europe such as, the Maîtres Cuisiniers of France, the Académie Culinaire de France, the Academy of Culinary Arts, Euro-Toques, the Federazione Italiana Cuochi, the Nordic Chefs Association, the Federación de Cocineros de España (Facyre), the World Master Chefs Society, the Verband der Köche Deutschlands as well as the Association de la Sommellerie Internationale (ASI) for drinks.

“We are very honoured to receive this recognition for our exceptional quality beef,” says Jim Clark, Executive Director of the Ontario Cattle Feeders Association. “This high grade and high praise for our quality beef with superior taste is a direct result of our nutritionally balanced feeding program, our on farm management and animal health practices which contribute to our consistent quality.”

Ontario Corn Fed Beef, a brand owned and run by Ontario beef farmers and cattle feeders, operates with the belief that by feeding top quality forages, grains and minerals as part of a nutritionally balanced diet combined with top quality cattle the result is naturally great tasting beef. “Generations of knowledge from our members and partners make them experts at what they do and their love for what they do shows through in the beef products we produce,” says Clark. “Producing great tasting beef and addressing societal needs is all part of the brand we are so proud to showcase to the world. Receiving this International recognition is a true testament to the philosophy we have.”

In demand at retail and at foodservice at home and around the globe, Ontario Corn Fed Beef has gained a reputation for its great beef flavour, tenderness, and consistent quality. “Each of our 500 plus beef farming and feeding families, our quality assurance team as well as our partners in processing and packing share in this great award,” says Clark. “We care about great beef at every step of the process and thank our producers and partners for this commitment. The proof is in the beef, and this award reinforces that.”


Media Contact:
Heather Travis

About Ontario Corn Fed Beef:

  • Ontario Corn Fed Beef is currently featured in 241 Loblaw Co. and affiliate stores and 120 other retail outlets
    across Ontario and distributed to fine restaurants through Sysco Canada and Morton’s Wholesale
  • SIR Corp Restaurants Canyon Creek and Jack Astor’s proudly feature OCFB beef on the menu at 48 locations
    across Ontario.
  • Ontario’s cattle and beef sector supports more than 11,000 jobs and contributes about $4 billion dollars to the
    province’s economy.
  • All Ontario Corn Fed Beef cattle are fed and processed in Ontario.
  • The Ontario Corn Fed Beef program was launched in June of 2001 to expand the market for and profile of
    Ontario-produced beef. By expanding the market presence of this brand, Ontario Corn Fed Beef has been
    positioned as one of the leading brands of premium beef in Canada.
  • The Ontario Corn Fed Beef program provides consumers, globally, with an identifiably Ontario brand of beef
    which has come to be known as consistently great tasting, wholesome, and raised in the natural environment
    of Ontario.
  • The Ontario Corn Fed Beef program has grown into the largest producer owned branded beef program in
    Canada, currently producing an average of over 285,000 head of certified cattle annually.
  • A May 2014 George Morris Centre report credited the Ontario Corn Fed Beef program for generating an
    additional $26 per head for all cattle sold in the province of Ontario.

For more information on iTQi, please visit the website www.itqi.com.

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